Monday, March 22, 2010
I Had to Break the Master Cleanse
I made my lemonade mix and I couldn’t drink it. It was so weird. My throat just closed up. I couldn’t even drink my water. I used to be able to guzzle a ½ gallon of water at a time. But now, every time I drink something, my throat would close up. I could only drink little sips at a time. I started getting really worried that I would dehydrate when I noticed I probably only drank 2 cups of liquid by 3 pm. So, I decided I better try something else. I had 2 bowls of broth and some wasa crackers the rest of the day.
I wonder if anyone else has had this problem. Do you suppose it has something to do with the Epsom salts instead of Sea Salt?
Well, I guess I better listen to my body and close down this cleanse.
9th Day: Broke Master Cleanse: Broth Day, Monday, 3-22-10
Weight: 186.8 lbs, -1.6 lbs, -14 lbs total, BMI
Morning: BP: 128/89, P: 86, BS: 176
Evening: BP: 116/90, P: 99, BS: 178
Eat: 2 bowls broth, wasa crackers
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Show OFF Day
8th Day:Master Cleanse, Sunday, 3-21-10
Weight: 186.8 lbs, -1.6 lbs, -14 lbs total, BMI 29.3
8:00 am: BP: 128/89, P: 86, BS: 176
2:30 pm to 4:30 pm, Lemonade; 12 tsp lemon juice, 16 drops Stevia, 1/4 tsp cayenne pepper, 48 oz water
6:30 pm to 8:30 pm, Lemonade; 12 tsp lemon juice, 16 drops Stevia, 1/4 tsp cayenne pepper, 48 oz water
10:00 pm, Chocolate Smooth Move tea, 12 drops stevia, 24 oz water
10:30, Epsom Salt Flush, 2 tsp Epsom salt, 16 oz. water
10:30 am BP: 116/90, P: 99, Blood Sugar: 178
Totals: calories 49, carbs 14, fat 0, Proteins 0, 152 oz water
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Great News Today!
7th Day: Master Cleanse, Saturday, 3-20-10
Weight: 188.4 lbs, -3.2 lbs -12.4 lbs total, BMI 29.50
9:00 am, BP: 114/87, P:88, BS: 157
10:30, Epsom Salt Flush, 2 tsp Epsom salt, 16 oz. water
2:30 pm to 4:30 pm, Lemonade; 12 tsp lemon juice, 16 drops Stevia, 1/4 tsp cayenne pepper, 48 oz water
6:30 pm to 8:30 pm, Lemonade; 12 tsp lemon juice, 16 drops Stevia, 1/4 tsp cayenne pepper, 48 oz water
10:00 pm, Chocolate Smooth Move tea, 12 drops stevia, 24 oz water
10:30, Epsom Salt Flush, 2 tsp Epsom salt, 16 oz. water
10:30 am BP: 115/89, P: 84, Blood Sugar: 152
Totals: calories 49, carbs 14, fat 0, Proteins 0, 152 oz water
Friday, March 19, 2010
Nauseated and Weak Today
6th Day: Master Cleanse Friday, 3-19-10
Weight: 191.6 lbs, -.4 lbs -9.2 lbs total, BMI 30.00
11:00 am, BP: 112/88, P:94, BS: 181
11:00 noon, Epsom Salt Flush, 2 tsp Epsom salt, 16 oz. water
1:00 pm Chocolate Smooth Move Tea, 12 drops stevia, 24 oz. water
2:30 pm to 3:30 pm, Lemonade; 12 tsp lemon juice, 16 drops Stevia, 1/4 tsp cayenne pepper, 48 oz water
9:30 pm to 10:00 pm, Lemonade; 12 tsp lemon juice, 16 drops Stevia, 1/4 tsp cayenne pepper, 48 oz water
10:00 pm, Chocolate Smooth Move tea, 12 drops stevia, 24 oz water
12:30 am BP: 129/87, P: 87, Blood Sugar: 151
Totals: calories 49, carbs 14, fat 0, Proteins 0, 160 oz water
Thursday, March 18, 2010
5th Day: Master Cleanse Thursday, 3-18-10
Weight: 192.0 lbs, -2.6 lbs -8.8 lbs total, BMI 30.10
8:30 am, BP: 121/85, P:79, BS: 155
12:00 noon, Epsom Salt Flush, 2 tsp Epsom salt, 16 oz. water
12:30 to pm 2:30 pm, Lemonade; 12 tsp lemon juice, 16 drops Stevia, 1/4 tsp cayenne pepper, 48 oz water
2:30 pm, Emergen-C Immune Defense,16 oz water
4:30 pm to 7:30 pm, Lemonade; 12 tsp lemon juice, 16 drops Stevia, 1/4 tsp cayenne pepper, 48 oz water
8:00 pm, Epsom Flush, 2 tsp Epsom Salt, 16 oz water
10:00 pm, Berry Detox tea, 12 drops stevia, 24 oz water
11:30 pm BP: 135/85, P: 70, Blood Sugar: 125
Totals: calories 49, carbs 14, fat 0, Proteins 0, 168 oz water
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
I'm So Excited!
And I feel so good! Lot's of energy! I've gotten a lot done today. I even cooked my family a special St. Patrick's Day Dinner. I made Leprechaun Smoothies, Cheesy Cream of Broccoli Soup, Cabbage, potatoes, Meat & Onions andI made Irish Soda bread with cranberries. No, I didn't eat any. I didn't even taste any. I had my husband and kids finish seasoning it. I'm not hungry at all, so I thought I'd try to cook something for them. I blended a few leaves of spinach in my lemonade to celebrate.
4th Day: Master Cleanse Wednesday, 3-17-10
Weight: 194.6 lbs, -1.8 lbs -6.2 lbs total, BMI 30.50
8:30 am, BP: 126/90, P:75, BS: 152
10:00 am, Epsom Salt Flush, 2 tsp Epsom salt, 8 oz. water
10:30 am to 2 pm, Lemonade; 12 tsp lemon juice, 16 drops Stevia, 1/4 tsp cayenne pepper, 48 oz water
2:00 pm, Emergen-C Immune Defense,24 oz water
5:30 pm to 8pm, Lemonade; 12 tsp lemon juice, 16 drops Stevia, 1/4 tsp cayenne pepper,a few leaves of Spinach, 48 oz water
9:30 pm, Epsom Flush, 2 tsp Epsom Salt, 16 oz water
10:30 pm, Berry Detox tea, 12 drops stevia, 24 oz water
11:00 pm BP: 133/86, P: 77, Blood Sugar: 127
Totals: calories 50, carbs 14, fat 0, Proteins 0, 168 oz water
Progress - No Eye Swelling Today!
Usually, I use Visine A.C. drops and cold washcloth compressions to bring the swelling down. And I'm not able to drive or see very well on the computer.
Also, it amazes me that I haven't been hungry this whole time. I think because I'm always filling my stomach up with liquids. Sometimes the smell from the families food gets to me. But, not so bad that I can't resist.
3rd Day: Master Cleanse Tuesday, 3-16-10
Weight: 196.4 lbs,-2.8 lbs -4.4 lbs total BMI 30.80
8:30 am, BP: 132/88, P:76, BS: 164
12:00 noon Epsom Salt Flush, 2 tsp Epsom salt, 32 oz. water
12:00 noon to 3 pm, Lemonade; 12 tsp lemon juice, 24 drops Stevia, 1/4 tsp cayenne pepper, 48 oz water
5:30 pm to 8pm, Lemonade; 12 tsp lemon juice, 24 drops Stevia, 1/4 tsp cayenne pepper, 48 oz water
9:00 pm, Emergen-C Immune Defense, 8 oz. water
9:30 pm, Berry Detox tea, 12 drops stevia, 24 oz water
11:00 pm BP: 137/95, P: 70, Blood Sugar: 141
Totals: calories 49, carbs 14, fat 0, Proteins 0, 152 oz water
Monday, March 15, 2010
Shoulder Inflammation Gone!
This is what motivates me to do this detox. I am so sick of the eye allergies. It got so bad I can’t see to drive so; I bought some 24 hour non-drowsy allergy medicine. It didn’t make me drowsy…..until about 7 hours later and then I would pass out hard. I then would wake up in a drugged stupor. And my allergies came back in 12 hours, so I had to take twice the dose for it to work. Then, I went to the health food store and they recommended Homeopathic Adrenal Support. It worked great for a week. I thought I found my solution. Then my allergies broke though that and is getting worse.
OK, I’m not talking just a few sneezes and a running nose. It usually affects one eye at a time. It starts itching like a thousand mosquito bites inside my eyelid. It also feels like hives on the outside of the eye with itching red swollen welts. My white part of my eye swells and blisters so much it covers part of the colored part of my eye. The outside eyelid swells also. I was thinking about taking a picture, but that would just gross everyone out.
2nd Day: Master Cleanse Monday, 3-15-10
Weight: 199.2 lbs, -1.6 lbs, BMI 31.20
8:30 am, BP: 139/93, P:74, BS: 181
8:30 am, Salt Water Flush, 2 tsp sea salt, 32 oz. water
11:30 Am to 3pm, Lemonade; 12 tsp lemon juice, 24 drops Stevia, 1/4 tsp cayenne pepper, 48 oz water
3:00 pm, Emergen-C Immune Defense, 8 oz water
3:00 pm to 6pm, Lemonade; 12 tsp lemon juice, 24 drops Stevia, 1/4 tsp cayenne pepper, 48 oz water
9:30 pm, Epsom Flush, 2 tsp Epsom Salt, 16 oz water
10:00 pm Epsom Bath
10:30 pm, Berry Detox tea, 24 oz water
10:30 pm BP: 133/90, P: 75, Blood Sugar: 155
Totals: calories 49, carbs 14, fat 0, Proteins 0, 172 oz water
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Time to Detox
My raw foods are slowly healing my body but I decided I needed to have a faster relief. I have had the eye allergies for over 3 years and the shoulder inflammation is a sign to me that my body is not controlling the inflammation well. So, I believe in order to make progress, I need to rid my body of toxins that are causing the allergies which are causing inflammation which is causing the allergies, diabetes and another potential stroke. So, even though I’ve made great improvement, I feel I need to focus in on getting rid of the toxins that are causing all the problems in order to stop this vicious cycle.
The length of this detox will depend on the results I’m getting. I will still report as this is a part of my diabetic cure solution. Then, I will continue back on the Raw food diet again. Because, I still believe it is the best way to eat.
I’ve decided to use the Master Cleanse program, but I will be using stevia in the beginning instead of Maple Syrup because of the potential to raise my blood sugar. If my blood sugar gets too low, I will start using the Maple Syrup to provide the carbs, nutrients and calories that I might need.
1st Day: Master Cleanse Sunday, 3-14-10
Weight: 200.8 lbs, BMI 31.40
8:30 am, BP: 127/88, P:77, BS: 213
9:00 am, Salt Water Flush, 2 tsp sea salt, 32 oz. water
3:00 pm, Emergen-C Immune Defense
3pm to 8pm, Lemonade; 12 tsp lemon juice, 24 drops Stevia, 1/4 tsp cayenne pepper, 48 oz water
8 pm, Pau D’Arco tea, 24 oz water
10 pm, Lemonade; 8 tsp lemon juice, 16 drops Stevia, 32 oz. water
10:30 pm, Blood Sugar: 124
Totals: calories 51, carbs 14, fat 0, Proteins 0, 136 oz water
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Salty Foods Still A Problem
6th Day: Phase 2, Friday, 3-12-10
Weight: 199.2 lbs, -.8 lbs, -4.8 total, BMI 31.04
8:30 am, BP: 111/93, P:81, BS: 213
12:oo noon HCG 10 drops
3:00 pm 1 quart Energy Soup, Garlic Flax crackers, calories 232
8:30 pm Hcg 10 drops
8:45 pm Raw Vegan Chili, Garlic flax crackers, Terra vegetable chips calories 985
Totals: calories 1217
Friday, March 12, 2010
Let's Talk Poop
The main job of the colon is to reabsorb the liquid nutrients. When it gets into the large intestines, the liquids are absorbed enough so you should have firm soft poop. If it stays inside too long, the environment will change and toxins will form. This will be absorbed back into your body and cause problems. So, it's best to get it out on time.
Did you know meat and dairy have no fiber? That could be why they are known to be constipating. The best fiber sources are greens. So, remember... If you're eating green, you're getting lean!
5th Day: Phase 2, Thursday, 3-11-10
Weight: 197.8 lbs, - .4 lbs, -5.2 lbs total, BMI 31.0
11:00 am, BP: 133/93, P:72, BS: 198
12:oo noon BP: 119/90, P: 82, BS: 158, HCG 10 drops
4:00 pm sm. amt. kelp noodles & Alfredo, Garlic Flax crackers, calories 327
9:30 pm Raw Vegan Chili, Garlic flax crackers, calories 559
11:30 pm Hcg 10 drops
Totals: calories 886, carbs 56, fat 61, Proteins 35
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Coconut Oil Hasn't Slowed Down Weight Loss
Another thing I'm not doing in following the Hcg protocal is in using oil on my skin. I put coconut oil on my face, neck, hands, arms, elbows and feet almost every day since I started this Hcg Raw Vegan Protocal. So far, it hasn't slowed down my weight loss.
Although, I ate until I was full yesterday I only ate 686 calories. And I only lost .8 lbs. My body either needs more calories or my body is adjusting and losing slower. So, today I ate 1022 calories and we'll see what happens tomorrow. I'm really not very hungry though and it takes me hours to finish off the soup. At night I'm not very hungry, but I try to eat something.
4th Day: Phase 2, Wednesday, 3-10-10
Weight: 198.2 lbs, -.8 lbs, -4.8 total, BMI 31.04
8:30 am, BP: 127/85, P:77, BS: 223
12:oo noon BP: 133/89, P: 73, BS: 175, HCG 10 drops
3:00 pm 2 quarts Energy Soup, Garlic Flax crackers, 463 calories
8:30 pm Hcg 10 drops
8:45 pm Raw Vegan Chili, Garlic flax crackers, calories 559
11:30 pm Hcg 10 drops
Totals: calories 1022, carbs 83, fat 66, Proteins 39
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
2.4 lbs lost in one day!
All with 958 calories and 74 grams fat!
Wow! And I'm full. Not like the small amount of Hcg soup that left me still wanting more on the regular Hcg protocal. I thought I had to be hungry on the Hcg diet in order to lose weight. But, when I drink the raw vegan soup it takes me all afternoon and I get so full, I have to remind myself to finish it off.
I can't wait to see how this plays out. How high can I go with the raw vegan calories and still lose weight?
3rd Day: Phase 2, Tuesday 3-09-10
Weight: 199.0 lbs,-2.4 lbs -4.0 lbs total, BMI: 31.16
7:30 am, BP: 122/93, P: 80, BS: 211
12:30 pm Hcg, 10 drops
Lunch: 12:45 pm 1 1/2 quarts Mexican Soup eaten throughout the day 128 calories
6:30 pm hcg, 10 drops
Dinner: 6:45 pm Raw Vegan Chili with Garlic Flax Crackers 558 calories
10:00 pm hcg, 10 drops
Totals: Calories 686, Carbs 69, fat 37, protein 30
Monday, March 8, 2010
Hcg Raw Vegan works with higher calories and fat.
I still lost 1.6 lbs! To tell you the truth, I was a little nervous going against the hcg protacol. But, Raw vegan is so much more nutritious. My body just craves the energy soup. And I sure did have a lot of energy today!
2nd Day: Phase 2, Monday 3-08-10
Weight: 201.4 lbs,-1.6 lbs BMI: 31.54
7:00 am, BP: 142/92, P: 74, BS: 195
10:00 am Hcg, 10 drops
Lunch: 12:00 pm 2 quarts Energy Soup eaten throughout the day 410 calories
7:15 pm hcg, 10 drops
Dinner: 8:30 pm Alfredo with Kelp Noodles and dehydrated Zucchini 548 calories
11:00 pm hcg, 10 drops
Totals: 958 Calories, 61 Carbs, 74 fat, 22 protein
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Back on the Hcg Raw Vegan Diet
I am using a different brand of Hcg homepathic called Mediral. So, this time I'll be doing 10 to 20 drops 3 times a day. I'm also not doing the phase 1, 2 loading days, because I've not been counting calories for a while and have been eating avacados and nuts until full.
1st Day: Phase 2, Sunday 3-07-10
Weight: 203.0 lbs, BMI: 31.8
7:45 am, BP: 145/97, P: 80, BS: 203
8:00 am Hcg, 10 drops
12:30 pm Hcg, 10 drops
Lunch: 1:00 pm Creamy Tomato Basil Soup 540 calories
8:00 pm hcg, 10 drops
Dinner: 8:30 pm Avacado, salsa 304 calories
Totals: 844 Calories, 86 Carbs, 53 fat, 21 protein
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Food Addiction
I started noticing I’m not craving sweets anymore. Not even when people eat them in front of me. I used to have to have something sweet before bed. I think it was because it made me sleepy and helped me sleep more deeply. But, now I sleep very deep and sound all night long without waking up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom.
But, I also notice I now have an addiction to corn chips. It started when I made fresh salsa which is healthy and I bought natural sea salt corn chips to go with it. It hasn’t seemed to bother my blood pressure. But, I get to the point when I’m out, all I can think about is getting more. I just have to have more chips. And I’m going through a lot of bags lately.
Then, I read an article on Dr. Mercola’s web site. O.K. grains turn into sugar! I thought I was over my sugar addiction, but now I realize I’ve just changed the source. So, when I’m done with my last bag of chips today (You didn’t expect me to throw them away, did you?), I’m not going to buy any more. I’m going to dehydrate some zucchini and yellow squash and use them as my chips and I’ll also make some flax crackers too. That should help me wean off of the chip cravings. I’ll post those recipes too. It would be interesting to see if this brings my blood sugar down more.
Sunday 2-21-10,22nd day,weight 207.6,BS-236,BP-136/86, P-74
Monday 2-22-10,23rd day,weight 204.8,BS- 226,BP-133/93, P-72
Tuesday 2-23-10,24th day,weight 201.8,BS- 203,BP-138/93, P-67
Wednesday 2-24-10,25thday,weight 204,BS-220,BP-133/92, P-69
Thursday 2-25-10,26th day,weight 201.2,BS-198,BP-137/95,P-76
Friday 2-26-10, 27th day, Didn’t check
Saturday 2-27-10, 28th day, weight ?, BS- 199, BP-139/95,P-74
Sunday 2-28-10, 29th day, Didn’t check
Monday 3-01-10,30th day,weight 204,BS- 199,BP-131/86,P-69
Tuesday 3-02-10,31st day,weight 202,BS- 213,BP-132/89,P-75
Wednesday 3-03-10,32ndday,weight203,BS-187,BP-127/89,P-74
Thursday 3-04-10, 33rd day, weight 203, BS- 209, BP- ?, P- ?
Friday 3-05-10, 34th day, Didn’t check
Saturday 3-06-10, 35th day Didn’t check