Juice Fasting

Fruit Juices
Peach berry cocktail
 I try to drink as many alkalizing vegetables on a juice fast as possible, but just to mix it up I usually add one glass of fruit juice during a cleanse.   Always dilute fruit juice with water to avoid blood sugar issues.
2 peaches, cut in half, seeds removed
1 orange, peeled with a vegetable peeler keeping as much pith on as possible
1/2 cup blueberries, raspberries, or cherries, pitted
Push fruit through the juicer.  Then add 1/2 cup purified water to dilute.

Blood Builder (Iron-enriched)
2 bunches Grapes
6 Oranges
8 Lemons peeled
1/4 cup Honey

Ginger/Lemon Cleanse
1-inch slice Fresh Ginger Root
1 Fresh Lemon
6 Carrots with tops

Constipation Cure
1 firm Papaya
1/4-inch slice Ginger Root
1 Pear

Hawaiian Sunrise – Gives you a burst of citrus with a Hawaiian Island twist. Our most favorite of the juice fast recipes.
(Makes approximately 28 oz.)
Grapefruit peeled – 24 oz. = 2 very large
Pineapple with most rind removed – 16 oz. = 2 inch slice
Orange peeled – 24 oz. = 6 medium

Veggie Juices

 Everyday Energizer
4 carrots, tops and tails chopped off
4 stalks celery, chop ends off
small handful of parsley, juice stems as well
1 small zuchhini, tops and tails chopped off
1/2 of a small beet, tops and tails chopped off
1/2 inch nub of fresh ginger
1/4 lemon peeled
Push all through the juicer and drink up!

Alkalizing Green Juice
I drank this one at least once a day, sometimes twice
1/2  cucumber (skin still on if organic)
4 stalks of celery
2 Large handfuls of greens(spinach, kale, swiss chard, beet greens, arugula, watercress, turnip greens, etc)
1-2 cloves of garlic peeled or 1/2 inch nub of fresh ginger
1/2 lemon peeled
Push all through the juicer.  Juice the greens by pushing them down with the cucumber or celery.
Super cleanser
3 handfuls of any green (spincah, kale, water cress, lettuce, etc)
1/2 cup organic broccoli
4 carrots, tops and tails removed.
Push all through the juicer and enjoy your green juice glow!
Vegetable Super Juice
1 whole cucumber
4 sticks celery
2-4 handfuls of spinach
8 lettuce leaves
Optional boosters: parsley and fresh alfalfa sprouts

Healing Juice
3-4 Carrots
125g Fresh Spinach
Handful of Flat Leaf Parsley
2-3 Sticks of Celery

Skin Cleanse
1 Cucumber with skin
1/2 bunch Fresh Parsley
1 4-oz. tub Alfalfa Sprouts
4 Sprigs Fresh Mint

Fresh Garden – Tastes just like a fresh garden in your glass.
(Makes approximately 16 oz.)
Spinach – 3 oz. = good handful
Romaine Lettuce – 3 oz. = 3 very large outer leaves
Celery – 3 oz. = 1 and 1/2 large sticks
Carrots with tops removed– 8 oz. = 4 medium
Cucumber peeled – 8 oz. = 2 medium

Veggie Tray – Tastes like your drinking down the whole veggie tray.
(Makes approximately 28 oz.)
Cauliflower – 12 oz. = about 1/3 head
Broccoli including stem – 12 oz. = about 1/3 head
Carrots with tops removed– 12 oz. = 6 medium
Celery – 12 oz. = 2 and 1/2 large sticks
Add 1/4 teaspoon dry or fresh chopped dill to the mix.
Sweet Robust Italiano – This is a smooth tasting with a hint of sweetness, like a fine red Italian dish.
(Makes 2 Liters) – Randy loves Italian food!
Spinach – 9 oz. = 3 good handfuls
Carrots with tops removed – 12 oz. = almost all of a 1 lb. bag
Bell Peppers with stems removed, 1 red, 1 yellow, 1 orange – 4oz each, 12 oz. total = 3 medium peppers
Italian Parsley – 2 oz. = medium handful
Celery – 1/2 of whole stalk split down the middle
Tomato – 22oz. = 3 super large tomatoes
Add 2 hearty shakes of hot sauce and 1 teaspoon of tajin Clasico Seasoningto the mix.

V-Gr8 (great) – A heartier, more healthy version of V-8.
(Makes 26 oz.)
Spinach – 9 oz. = 3 good handfuls
Carrots with tops removed – 8 oz. = 2 large
Beet Root – 1 oz. = 1/8 of a large root
Green Onion – 1 (including green and white part)
Celery – 4 oz. = 1 1/2 sticks
Italian Parsley - 2 oz. = handful
Tomato – 16 oz. = 2 super large tomatoes
Add 1/2 teaspoon of tajin Clasico Seasoning to the mix.

Martian Martini – Nice mellow green taste.
(Makes 16 0z.)
Kale – 6oz. = 6 large leaves
Cucumber peeled – 8 oz. = 1 medium
Green Pepper with stem removed – 4 oz. = 1 medium
Celery – 2 large outer sticks
Ginger – about 1 inch square
Popeye’s Favorite - Tastes just like a seasoned spinach salad with all the fixings.
(Makes 26 oz.)
Spinach – 1 lb
Romaine – 12 oz. = about 12 large leaves
Tomato – 4 oz. = 1 small
Cucumber peeled – 4 oz = half of a medium
Carrots with tops removed – 4 oz. = 2 skinny carrots
Radish with tops removed – 2 oz. = 2 medium small
Celery – 4 oz. = 1 1/2 sticks
Add 1 teaspoon  tajin Clasico Seasoning and fresh cracked black pepper to taste.

Combo Juices

Ginger/Lemon Cleanse
1-inch slice Fresh Ginger Root
1 Fresh Lemon
6 Carrots with tops

Sweet Starry Greens – This is smooth, sweet, with a light green taste.
(Makes approximately 16 oz.)
Spinach – 3 oz. = good handful
Star Fruit – 8 oz. = 2 fruits
Pineapple with most rind removed – 4 oz. = 1 inch slice
Cucumber peeled – 8 oz. = 2 medium

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