Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Day 2 Juice Fast

The dentist won't pull my 2 root canals! Why do they always want to try and save them! He wants to re-evaluate in 2 weeks! I want these toxic vessels out! I'm still sticking with the early juice start...I'm afraid if I stop, I'll have a hard time starting again.
Today I had 40 oz lemon water, 20 oz pepper mint and detox tea. I juiced cucumber, celery, spinach, cilantro and apple.
I went to bed 9:00 pm, to avoid my husband & daughters night time munchies. Slept 'till 8:00! 11 hours!!! Felt good!!! Lost 4 lbs! 
Vitals: Time        Weight   Blood Pressure  Pulse   Blood Sugar
           9:00 am    215      148/100              90      317
           3:30 pm                154/96                87      260
           10:15 pm              152/92                89      286
I noticed I was a little moody and irritated with my husband today. I didn't know why then I realized it must be a part of the detoxing. I glad I recognized it time to stop before it got worse!