I haven’t written anything for a while. I can summarize the week in one word STRESSFUL. It all started when the one daughter, who’s watching her sister’s kids until a nanny is found, calls in a panic. She’s been having anxiety attacks and ran out of her medication. (Because she took too much!) So, she took off in the truck we loaned her and was making a fast trip back to fill her prescription early (which I told her they wouldn’t do) and she got lost! She calls me up crying because she doesn’t know where she is. I told her to call her sister and she could direct her better than I could to the main interstate. Then, she calls me back and said she doesn’t have enough gas in the truck because she drove too far in the wrong direction and doesn’t have any money. Finally, she calls me back and tells me she’s an hour away from us and she’s leaving the truck in Walmart’s parking lot. She called her sister to load up all the kids and come get her because her sister needed to go to work soon and by the time I got there and drove her back she’d be late. But, she needed me to drive the truck back and stay with her because she couldn’t handle everything. (She couldn’t fill her prescription early, as I told her) My main concern was staying on my food. So, I packed up all my food I needed for smoothies and I marinated some mushrooms and tomatoes. I left the blender for my husband, because he makes himself smoothies every morning. Well, guess who doesn’t have a blender? I ate fruit and salad with the marinated veggies. But, then I started to get hungry because I just didn’t have enough filling food and I couldn’t get out to the store without bringing a one year old, a two year old, a six year old and two eight year olds with me. Well, I started eating things I shouldn’t have. Like little bags of chips (my daughter works for Frito Lay and her pantry is full of these) and then left over’s from the kids meals.
As if this wasn’t enough, I get a phone call at one in the morning from my son in law. He said my daughter, who had a miscarriage four days earlier, was bleeding heavily. (He said the bathroom looked like a murder scene) So, he called for an ambulance and he wanted me to come over and watch the kids so he could get to the hospital. I reminded him I was 2 hours away. I asked him if he called my other daughter who lives next door to them. He said he couldn’t get a hold of her. So, I called and called until she answered. And she rushed over. I couldn’t sleep that night worrying what was happening. I finally called back at 4 am. And she was doing fine.
OK, Then my daughter who’s “Babysitting” informs me that she made an appointment for her two year old to have the dentist work on his teeth in the OR at the hospital. But he has to have his pediatrisian fill out a form first. So, he needs to go to the doctor and then to the hospital early in the morning. So, we had to load up everyone in the truck with overnight bags and drive them back to my house for several days! (And she could get her medication which was now due). All the grandkids stayed for three nights! House was trashed!
I would estimate my meals averaged about 80% raw. But, with the stress and 20% bad foods my numbers were up:
Monday 2-15-10, 16th day, weight 198.4, Blood sugar 203, Blood pressure 129/89, Pulse 77
Tuesday 2-16-10, 17th day, weight ?, Blood sugar 225, Blood pressure 140/112, Pulse 78
Wednesday 2-17-10, 18th day, weight ?, Blood sugar 194, Blood pressure 145/91, Pulse 75
Thursday 2-18-10, 19th day, weight ?, Blood sugar 234, Blood pressure 130/90, Pulse 82
Friday 2-19-10, 20th day, weight ?, Blood sugar 227, Blood pressure 141/91, Pulse 76
Saturday 2-20-10, 21th day, weight 203.2, Blood sugar 203, Blood pressure 139/98, Pulse 84
In evaluating things, Next time, I could bring my blender and my scale with me. When I don’t weigh myself, I think I’m doing fine and the weight creeps up. Or, I could just tell everyone to deal with it themselves! I don’t know why I can’t just do that, because it feels selfish to me. But, my daughter who’s looking for the nanny, got mad at her sister and told her not to call me for anything again. (She won’t even answer my phone calls now!) Peace and no drama!
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
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