Saturday, December 31, 2011

Day 5 Juice Fast

Blood pressure normal! 123/82! Lost 2 more lbs – total 12 lbs in 4 days! Loving It!
I have had a frozen shoulder since 2-04-11. It was really painful and caused sleepless nights. I could only sleep flat on my back and not move! I kept waking up in sharp pain every time I rolled over in my sleep! Well, last night I had a really good sleep and when I woke up I almost thought it was gone because there wasn't any pain! But, when I fully got out of bed I realized it was still there. I still couldn't raise my arm up over my head. But, it gave me hope that maybe this fast will reduce the inflammation enough to stretch it back to normal!
This is New Year’s Eve tonight. On my usual SAD New Year’s Eve Menu I was raised on, we ate chips & dip, soda and homemade fudge. So, I needed to change my tradition a bit but still have something special to toast the New Year in…Cinnamon Apple Juice! It tasted great, even my husband decided he wanted that too!
Today I had 40 oz lemon water and 20 oz detox tea.
I also made a juice out of butternut squash, ginger, orange juice, carrots and cinnamon. The butternut juiced up thick like puree or baby food consistency. It was more soup like, so I warmed it up slightly and ate it like soup. Well, I didn't really like it. It took me a while to get it down! I kept thinking, "This sure would taste better with butter!" But, it was also too sweet! I sure did love the apple cinnamon drink though, I think I'll save that one for special occasions! Like my birthday in January!

Vitals: Time        Weight   Blood Pressure  Pulse   Blood Sugar
           10:00 am    207.2    123/82             75      287
           3:00 pm                      127/90             76      234
           6:00 pm                                                              244

Friday, December 30, 2011

Day 4 Juice Fast

Well, still no detox symptoms! Lost 2 more lbs – total 10 lbs in 3 days! My blood pressure took a much needed dive last night! I have been in the 160’s/100’s for the last month, now this morning 126/96! My morning blood sugar readings have dropped about 50 points! I haven’t eaten fruits in a long time because of my diabetes and I really didn’t know if I could do this fast with fruits! Life is sweet again!
Today, I had 40 oz lemon water, 20 oz detox tea, 1 tbs silica, 1 scoop zeolite (yeah, it came in today!). And I juiced Beets, carrots, orange juice, celery apple, cilantro and parsley.

Vitals: Time        Weight   Blood Pressure  Pulse   Blood Sugar
           8:00 am    209.2    126/96             88        275
           9:00 pm                     146/104           86        231

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Day 3 Juice Fast

Lost another 4 lbs! That's 8 lbs in two full days! I expected a lot of detox symptoms. They say the first 3 days are usually the worst, but I'm not even hungry! I have a lot of energy, but get really tired around 9 pm. Maybe because I really syked myself up that I would be going through all that pain from teeth being pulled and detoxing from juicing at the same time. And since my teeth didn't get pulled, it seems a lot easier?
Today, I had 40 oz lemon water, 20 oz detox tea and 20 oz water with 1 tbs silica. I really wanted some orange juice! I haven't had fruits in so long because of my diabetes that I was a little afraid to do anything but green apples! But, I really wanted orange juice, so I juiced orange juice, celery, apple, spinach and carrots. I was in heaven! And guess what....My blood sugar didn't spike!  It was lower than this mornings!
My energy is normal in the morning, but I get really tired in the evening and can't make it past 9 pm. Which if you think about it is really good for getting enough sleep at night!

Vitals: Time        Weight   Blood Pressure  Pulse   Blood Sugar
           9:00 am    211.4    155/101             87     310
           3:20 pm                137/97               103    235
           9:00 pm                127/97               88      226

I woke up in the middle of the night with a overpowering smell! I opened my eyes and realized it was my husband's breath! I thought I was the one that was suppose to stink during the juice fast, but instead my senses have sharpened so much that I smell things that no one else does. Cool, I now have super powers! 

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Day 2 Juice Fast

The dentist won't pull my 2 root canals! Why do they always want to try and save them! He wants to re-evaluate in 2 weeks! I want these toxic vessels out! I'm still sticking with the early juice start...I'm afraid if I stop, I'll have a hard time starting again.
Today I had 40 oz lemon water, 20 oz pepper mint and detox tea. I juiced cucumber, celery, spinach, cilantro and apple.
I went to bed 9:00 pm, to avoid my husband & daughters night time munchies. Slept 'till 8:00! 11 hours!!! Felt good!!! Lost 4 lbs! 
Vitals: Time        Weight   Blood Pressure  Pulse   Blood Sugar
           9:00 am    215      148/100              90      317
           3:30 pm                154/96                87      260
           10:15 pm              152/92                89      286
I noticed I was a little moody and irritated with my husband today. I didn't know why then I realized it must be a part of the detoxing. I glad I recognized it time to stop before it got worse!

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Day 1 Juice Fast

I'm starting today! I'm having 2 root canal teeth pulled today that have ached for 4 years since they were done.  I have had lots of health problems ever since (stroke, heart attack). I can feel the aching radiating up to the same spot on my head that I had the stroke.... connection? I don't know, but I'm done with them! I figured I might as well start today since I won't be able to chew for a while! Bring on the detox!
Today I started with 40 oz lemon water, and 20 oz peppermint and detox tea. I had 20 oz water with 2 Tbs silica and I juiced cucumber, celery, spinach, kale, cilantro and apple. I was a little afraid of the juice tasting too green and having a hard time swallowing it, but I was pleasantly surprised with a very refreshing drink!
Vitals: Time        Weight   Blood Pressure  Pulse   Blood Sugar
           6:30 am    219      161/97               92      323
           2:00 pm    217.4   155/102            80      232
           6:45 pm                  161/92                  78     223

Not bad considering last night I ate a lot of Christmas left over and candy and my blood sugar spiked up over 600! (My blood sugar meter only read up to 600, so who knows how high it really was!) Took some insulin
(hopefully my last) and started juicing today!

Monday, December 26, 2011

Is Juicing the solution?

I haven’t posted in a while. This is want happened…without any change in diet my numbers started moving up! Very confusing to me! I started searching the internet! Someone suggested I try Death to Diabetes. His story is fantastic, so I started his program, by adding steamed veggies like he suggests, I just couldn’t bring myself to the meat part or fruits! And I was adding more and more greens…still numbers kept rising!
Then came thanksgiving, I ate a little taste of everything! Blood Sugar jumped to 575! Luckily, I brought my insulin just in case, but I never dreamed it would go that high! Then, right back to raw and steamed. But, my numbers just kept rising! I got depressed with nothing working anymore, so when people started bringing over Christmas food gifts, I ate! Then Christmas parties I ate! But, I kept eating well at home…still searching the internet.
Then I found a statement by Dr. Cousens (Simply Raw-Reversing Diabetes in 30 days) He said if your numbers aren’t going down you need to detox! He puts his patients on juice fasts. He also uses Zeolite to help pull the toxins out. I order some online and also ran across Silica which is good for detoxing and helping our skin, hair and nails! I used to fast in my 20’s and 30’s. I did a 29 day water fast when I was 23. Maybe, if I would have kept that up I wouldn’t be in the situation I am now!  I found a new group on facebook; Juicing Only, January 2012, and joined. It’s a great support group for juicing one full month in January. Isn’t it amazing how the Lord puts what you need in front of you when you need it!