Monday, December 26, 2011

Is Juicing the solution?

I haven’t posted in a while. This is want happened…without any change in diet my numbers started moving up! Very confusing to me! I started searching the internet! Someone suggested I try Death to Diabetes. His story is fantastic, so I started his program, by adding steamed veggies like he suggests, I just couldn’t bring myself to the meat part or fruits! And I was adding more and more greens…still numbers kept rising!
Then came thanksgiving, I ate a little taste of everything! Blood Sugar jumped to 575! Luckily, I brought my insulin just in case, but I never dreamed it would go that high! Then, right back to raw and steamed. But, my numbers just kept rising! I got depressed with nothing working anymore, so when people started bringing over Christmas food gifts, I ate! Then Christmas parties I ate! But, I kept eating well at home…still searching the internet.
Then I found a statement by Dr. Cousens (Simply Raw-Reversing Diabetes in 30 days) He said if your numbers aren’t going down you need to detox! He puts his patients on juice fasts. He also uses Zeolite to help pull the toxins out. I order some online and also ran across Silica which is good for detoxing and helping our skin, hair and nails! I used to fast in my 20’s and 30’s. I did a 29 day water fast when I was 23. Maybe, if I would have kept that up I wouldn’t be in the situation I am now!  I found a new group on facebook; Juicing Only, January 2012, and joined. It’s a great support group for juicing one full month in January. Isn’t it amazing how the Lord puts what you need in front of you when you need it!