Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Two Week Update:

Start Raw Vegan Vitals:
09-21-11 Blood Pressure 149/99, Pulse 82, Blood Sugar 271, Weight 224
10-05-11 Blood Pressure 119/72, Pulse 68, Blood Sugar 176, Weight 217
Blood Pressure normalized in two days!
Blood Sugar still gradually coming down, not normal yet. But, really good for not taking insulin in 19 days!
Weight Loss 7 lbs in 14 days! Not hungry and eating well! Total of 15 lbs lost in one month. 9 more lbs to go to be back where I was before I started taking insulin.

1. I make a big batch of Green Soup Smoothie in the morning and divide it up for each meal throughout the day.
2. I drink a Green Soup Smoothie before I eat each meal to fill up.
3. I prepare two days of meals at a time, so I get a break every other day. That seems to help me stay on track, because it's easier to eat the raw vegan food waiting for me in the refrigerator, than to make something else.
4. Have good snacks on hand and when out on errands to stay away from junk and fast food. (usually nuts and veggie seed crackers)

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